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人可貌相:智商高的人颜值通常高 成功人士脸更宽

来源::网络整理 | 作者:管理员 | 本文已影响

Our strongest personality traits can be deduced simply from our facial features, scientists believe. 科学家认为,他人能够通过我们的面部特征即可推算出我们最显著的人格特质。

Research shows those with higher IQs are usually good-looking, while those with wider faces are usually perceived as being more powerful and successful. 研究显示,智商高的人通常面容姣好,面部较宽的人则通常被认为更有权、更成功

There is even evidence that sexual deviancy can be picked up from facial features, with paedophiles more likely to have minor facial flaws. 甚至有证据证明能够通过面部特点看出性癖异常,有恋童癖的人更可能有不太严重的面部缺陷。

The new evidence means the judgments we make when we meet strangers - which is usually concluded in less than a tenth of a second - are often accurate. 这项新的证据意味着我们遇到陌生人时做出的判断——这种判断通常在十分之一秒内就完成了——常常是准确的。

Mark Fetscherin, professor of international business at Rollins College, Florida, has recently found a link between company profits and the shape of its chief executive's face. 佛罗里达州罗林斯学院的国际商贸学教授马克·费斯凯林(Mark Fetscherin)近期发现公司利润和首席执行官的脸型之间存在联系。

In his new book, CEO Branding, Mr Fetscherin describes how the executive tended to have wider faces than the average male. 在他的新书《CEO Branding》中,费斯凯林先生描述了高级主管的脸颊通常比正常男性更宽。

A wider face means that the person is viewed as dominant and successful, Mr Fetscherin said. He also found a positive link between that shape face and the profits of the company. 费斯凯林先生说:“更宽的脸颊意味着这个人看起来更有权势、更成功。”他还发现了宽脸和公司利润之间的正比联系。

He told The Sunday Times: 'Facial width-to-height ratio correlates with real world measures of aggressive and ambitious behavior and is associated with a psychological sense of power.' 他告诉周日泰晤士报(The Sunday Times):“脸的宽高比例与真实世界对攻击性行为和有野心的行为的衡量标准存在相关性,与心理上的权力感也有关联。”



本文标题:人可貌相:智商高的人颜值通常高 成功人士脸更宽
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