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In America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in “elementary” school and four or six years in “secondary” or “high” school. School education is free.

在美国,所有六至十六岁的孩子去上学。他们在小学"和四个或 6 年中专"或"高中花了六年。学校教育是免费的。

At the end of every school year, the child takes a test. If he does well, he goes into the next class (“grade”).if he doesn’t do well, he has to repeat the grade.

在每学年结束,儿童所需的测试。如果他好,他走进下一类 (级) 如果他做得不好,他不得不重复等级。

Some schools have modern teaching equipment, like computers and closed circuit television, but there are ales small country schools, with just one classroom.

有些学校有现代化的教学设备,如计算机、 闭路电视、 但有销售小国家的学校,只是一间教室。

At the end of their time at school, most students get a high school diploma. If they want to go on to college, they take college admission tests.


In Britain, all children from five to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in “primary” school, and then go on to “secondary” school.


In Britain, they are “state” schools, which are free, and private schools for which parents pay. many British private schools are “boarding” schools. the children stay at school all the time, and only come home in the holidays. they usually wear uniforms.


Teaching in both countries is usually quite informal. students often work together in groups and go to the teacher only when they need help.


1. In britain, a child usually goes to school at (A)在英国,儿童通常去上学是几岁?五岁

A.five B.six C.seven D.four

2. if American,school education is (B ) 如果美国的情况下,学校的教育是()自由的

A.very cheap B. free C.eight years D.expensive

3.If the child fails in a test,( C )如果在测试中失败的儿童

A.he is alse allowed to go into nest grade

B.he has to repeat the test

C. he has to repeat the grade他不得不重复级

D. he has to repeat the another school

4. In britain,,schools ( D )

A.are free for children

B.charge a fee

C.require students to come home only in holidays

D.include state schools and private schools. 包括公立学校和私立学校。

5.Students in both countries ( C )

A.listen to the teacher all the time in class

B.seldom talk in class

C.often have group discussions in class 在班中经常进行分组讨论

D.never ask any questions in class

Passage 2

The hand,the eyes and the brain work together to make human beings defferent from other animals. No other animals have all three parts to work together.No animals can do what human beings can do.

手、 眼和大脑协同工作,使人类不同于其他动物。其他动物都没有一起工作的所有三个部分。没有动物可以做人类能做些什么。

Humans can do many things and reel many things with the hands. The hand can hold on to things and make things with the fingers. We can feel that something is hot or cold, soft or hard, smooth or rough. The hand with the fingers is one of the best tools we have.

人类可以做很多事情和卷用手的很多东西。手可以坚持做的事情,并使手指的事情。我们可以感觉到什么是热或冷、 软或硬、 光滑或粗糙。手和手指是我们有最好的工具之一。

Most animals see a flat picture. Their eyes can only see how high and how wide something is. Some animals see a different picture with each eye. Some do not see in color. Humans see one picture with both eyes working together. We can see how high and how wide something is .We can also see how far in front of or in the back of something a thing is.


The brain tells other parts of the body how to work. For example, it tells the eyes and hands how to make useful and beautiful things. That is how human beings become tool makers and artists.


1. What is the use of the hand according to the passage?( D )这篇文章的作用是手的什么?

A. it can touch things.

B. It can catdh hold of things.

C. It can make things.

D. All of the above. 上面这一切

2. which of the fllowing statements is true? (C) 这则声明是真的?

A. all animals see a picture with both eyes.

B. Most animals see a picture with each eye.

C. Some animals see a different picture with each eye. 有些动物的每一只眼睛看到不同的图片。

D. No animals see a picture with one eye

3. Which can tell the feet and other parts of the body how to work?( A)这可以告诉脚和身体其他部位如何工作?

A. The brain B.The hands C.The eyes D.The legs

4. What is the difference between man and animals? (D)人与动物之间的区别是什么?

A. Man has both hands

B. Man has both eyes.

C. Man has a brain.

D. Man can make the hands,the eyes and the brain work together. 人类可以使手、 眼睛和大脑协同工作。

5. What does the word “routh” mean? It means (D )" routh "一词是什么意思?这意味着

A.flat B.heavy C.hard D.not smooth不顺畅

Passage 3

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