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计算机英语:系统知识(Knowing Your System)

来源::网络整理 | 作者:管理员 | 本文已影响

  Knowing Your System

  Now that you have a basic understanding of computer components and how they work, let's apply this knowledge to your own system. It is important to know your computer system's specifications so that you can purchase or download appropriate software programs.

  Read the Label

  When you are shopping for computer software - in a virtual store or a real one - it is important to check out the program's Minimum System Requirements before making a purchase. They will help you to determine whether or not the software is compatible with your computer system. System Requirements will be listed somewhere on the packaging of a software product or should be available on the product's webpage if you are shopping online. Check out the graphic to the right for a sample from a software package.

  Requirement information will vary from product to product, but most requirements will tell you the following:

  Operating System compatibility

  Processor speed

  RAM requirements

  available Hard Disk Space needed for installation

  CD-ROM or DVD speed

  Additional requirements may be listed for:

  Monitor Display

  Video Card

  Sound Card

  Peripherals - joystick, gamepad, etc.

  Modem (for internet applications)

  Support software

  Remember that the information listed covers the minimum requirements. In other words, your system needs to have at least that much speed, memory, space, etc. in order to run the software properly. If your system specs are higher than the minimum requirement, then the software should run on your system. The only caution you should have here is that some programs written for older operating systems (particularly Windows 95) may not run on newer operating systems.

  Requirement or Recommendation?

  On many software products, the manufacturer will list System Recommendations along with Minimum System Requirements. This information lets the consumer know that higher specs may be needed to get optimum software performance. The program will run on a system with the minimum requirements, but it will run better at the recommended requirements.

  System Specifications

  If you don't know your system specifications already, you should be able to find them in your user guide or other paperwork from the manufacturer. System information can also be accessed through your computer. Although the location of this information may vary from system to system, the most common place to find it will be in the "System" menu of the Control Panel. Knowing this information about your system will help you make compatible software purchases.

本文标题:计算机英语:系统知识(Knowing Your System)
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